Saturday, February 27, 2010

Comments4Teachers-post 1 Week 2/27

I read and commented on Jenny's Learning Journal. Jenny spoke about her 2009 successes in the area of technology. She was a presenter at the ULearn-an-e-Learning Conference in New Zealand. She stated that she overheard many people talking about how hard it was to get into her session. She feels this was because of the exposure she has on Twitter. She had people from thorough out the country trying to see her because they had "met" her through Twitter. She also talks about how her self esteem was built up through the success of her presentations.

She discussed her success and "obsession" with Web 2.0 tools and the use of them in her classroom. She discussed how her class movie, Merry Christmas from Room 5, was a project she was very proud of. It is a wonderful presentation.

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